Tag Archives: thank you

Rainbows & Miracles & Gratitude, Oh My!

Hello beautiful! Happy Sunday!

I’ve been doing some creative journaling lately, and man, is it AWESOME!

I don’t know how I lived 24 years without it. It’s such a creative, colourful, and sparkling way to heal and release my thoughts and emotions. I’m officially in love with it.

Here are some photos of what I’ve been creating:

Oh, and did you know that today (April 3rd) is Find A Rainbow Day?! How freakin’ AWESOME is that? A day to spread rainbow love and happiness and bubbles and sparkles and joy everywhere you go! 😀

You can read more about Find A Rainbow Day here, and read about rainbows (and a totally wonderful rainbow making machine!) here. I think this is my new favourite day!

If you don’t see any rainbows today, here’s one I prepared earlier:

Speaking of nature’s miracles, have you acknowledged the miracle of YOU today? Karen Mead from A Peaceful Path shared this video in her newsletter today, and it’s just so amazing. We really are all miracles!

In other news, I’ve been busy creating the My Smiling Heart ebook! Here’s a sneak peak of some of the awesomeness:

And, last but certainly not least, a big THANK YOU to everyone who has been participating in 30 Days Of Beauty!

We are only on Day 3 and there are already heaps of #imbeautifulbecause tweets that have been inspiring me so, so, so much! I feel so blessed to be in the company of such amazingly wonderful women.

And, we have already raised $10 for To Write Love On Her Arms! We are definitely off to an amazing start!

Thank you, thank you, thank you! You really are BEAUTIFUL!

Sending you so much LOVE,

Jen ♥

A Gift Of Positivity!

Hello beautiful people!

Are you feeling AWESOME today? I hope so! 🙂

To thank you for all of your amazing support & for making My Smiling Heart such a wonderful community to be a part of, I’ve made you all a gift!

Print it out, cut them out, stick them on you wall, window, fridge, mirror, put them in your diary, use them as bookmarks, you can even print them out on sticker paper & use them as bumper stickers if you like!

Put them wherever you want, as long as they’re somewhere you can see them every day & be reminded of how AWESOME you are 🙂

Print as many as you like!

What do you think? 🙂

If you love it, remember to share the love with the world!

Tweet this to your followers as a gift for them, post it on Facebook for all of your friends, or print it out & give it to someone you love.

If you have a teenage daughter or sister, please pass this onto them. I really think girls in particular could benefit from seeing these everyday – I know I would have loved having these on my wall when I was a teenager! In fact, they’re on my wall right now, haha!

Again, thank you so much for being a part of My Smiling Heart. I can’t wait to see what’s coming next for all of us! 🙂

Keep Smiling!

Jen ♥