Tag Archives: cause

30 Days Of Beauty – Day 1!

Hey there, beautiful!

Well, it’s today! 😀

It’s the 1st of April, and the beginning of 30 Days Of Beauty!

Every day for the next 30 days, myself and Jen Fromal from The Smashed Planet, will be tweeting about one thing that make us truly beautiful, and we would LOVE for you to join us!

Follow us on Twitter (@smiling_heart and @jenfromal), and whenever you tweet about something that makes you beautiful, use the hashtag #imbeautifulbecause, so that we can see it!

Every Friday, we will each be writing a post on our blogs, writing about our 30 days experiences, and selecting our favourite #imbeautifulbecause tweets from others.

Every Friday during April, Link Love Friday on the My Smiling Heart Facebook page will be replaced with ‘I Am Beautiful Friday’, where you can share your beauty with the world.

So, if you don’t tweet, or if you want to tweet and share on facebook, head on over to the MSH page and tell us what puts the YOU in beaYOUtiful!

Here’s the best part; we are doing this to raise money for To Write Love On Her Arms, a cause that is dedicated to helping those struggling with depression, addiction, self-injury and suicide.

So by joining in on the 30 Days Of Beauty Challenge, you will not only be discovering the many things that make you so damn beautiful, you will also be promoting a good cause! Everybody wins! 😀

Here’s my tweet for 1st April:

Today, #imbeautifulbecause I am learning to see my own power, and how to use it to create my life.

If you want to donate to this cause, here is the link to the fundraising page – feel free to include this link at the end of your #imbeautifulbecause tweets!

Donate here!


Promote this cause with this tinyurl link at the end of your tweets:


Wear Your Beauty!

If you just love this project so much that you want the whole world to know you are a part of it,

I made this badge especially for you!

Wear this badge on your blog, and let your beauty shine!

Link to: http://www.crowdrise.com/30DaysOfBeauty

Badge HTML Code: <a href=”http://www.crowdrise.com/30DaysOfBeauty”><img border=”0″ src=”https://jensmilingheart.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/30daysbeautybadge.jpg?w=125&amp;h=125″></a>


Let the AWESOMENESS begin! 😀

Stay beaYOUtiful!

Jen ♥

Note: The Two Jens are not official representatives of TWLOHA, only dedicated supporters of the cause.